Inventory of the Personal Estate, of Umquhile[*]

Mrs. Margaret Munro or Scott Wooden

Stamp Duty Thirty Pounds

Presented Fifteenth April Eighteen Hundred & Thirty six


William Oliver Rutherford Esquire Coms Principal


Donald McLean Esq W.S

32 May 1836 JS

Inventory of the Personal Estate of the deceased Mrs Margaret Munro Widow of the late Rev. James Scott Minister of Auchter house in the County of Forfar who deceased at Wooden in the County of Roxburgh the Twenty eighth day of December one Thousand eight Hundred and Thirty Four


15th April 1836




Cash due the Defunct at the time of her death by the now deceased Robert Haldane Scott of Wooden her Son

No Interest due on this sum the same having been all paid up to the Defunct




Amount of Household Furniture and other Effects belonging to the deceased and all situated in the house of Wooden aforesaid per valuation and Appraisement of George Humble Cabinet maker in Kelso



Amount of Effects all situated in Scotland




(Signed) Janet Scott

John Craigie C.D.

At Jedburgh the Fifteenth day of April one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty six years

In presence of John Craigie Esquire Commissionary Depute of the Commissariat of Roxburghshire Compeared[*] Miss Janet Scott Daughter of the late Rev. James Scott Minister at Auchter house in the County of Forfar(?), who being solemnly sworn and examined Depones That the deceased Mrs Margaret Munro her Mother died upon the  Twenty eighth dat of December one Thousand eight Hundred  and Thirty Four, and the Deponent[*] has jointly with her Sisters Mrs Mary Anne Addison, Barbara and Catherine Scott  entered upon the Possession(?) and Management of the deceased Personal Estate in virtue of a Settlement executed by her upon the First day of April One Thousand eight Hundred and Thirty, a copy whereof is now

exhibited and signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary of this date as a relative hereto By that the Deponent does not know of any Settlement or Writing relative to the Disposal of the Deceaseds personal Estate or Effects or any part of them other than that now exhibited That the said Inventory which is signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary as relative hereto is a full and true Inventory of all the personal or moveable Estate and Effects of the said deceased already recovered, or known to be existing belonging or due to here beneficially at the time of her death and that the value of said Estate situated in Scotland is the value of One Thousand Pounds and under the value of Fifteen Hundred Pounds

All of which is truth as the Deponent shall answer to God.-

(signed) Janet Scott

John Craigie C.D.

Follows Copy Settlement, referred to in the preceding Oath.-


Copy)(?)  Wooden April 1st 1830

My dear Robert, After my death and when you have got the better of your pecuniary difficulties upon this place, it is my desire that the sum of nine hundred pounds now in your hands should then be disposed of in the following manner

To your sister Mrs Addison the sum of one hundred pounds, to Barbara one hundred pounds, to Catherine one hundred pounds, and after discharging all funeral expenses Vz(?) the remaining sum which will not much exceed three hundred I would recommend you to settle on your sister Janet, as she is not so

well provided for as your other sisters.  The furniture which was in my house in Edin(burgh) I had already settled upon you sisters and in the event of their taking up house for themselves, they would require a sum equal to the value of said furniture. All the furniture bought at Col. Munros Sale I got on purpose for your house. It is all I have in my power to offer you for all your kindness to me. I trust you will approve of this my last desire with regard to the disposal of the money in your hands. most of it arose from the sale of the house in Dundee, and which house was long ago settled upon your sisters I know I have only a very few hundred that I had really any claim to as my own but your sisters may value this small remembrance as a proof of my affection. - I have nothing to offer my sons from whom I have received every affectionate attention but my blessing and my sincere prayers that the Almighty may bless them which is above every earthly good _ My Dear Robert while life is granted me I ever am your affectionate mother._(signed) M. Scott


Jedburgh, 15 April 1836

This is the copy of the Settlement of the Deceased Mrs. Marg. Munro Widow of the late Rev. James Scott Minister at Auchterhouse in the County of Forfar mentioned and referred to in the Oath of Mrs Janet Scott Daughter of the said Deceased upon the Inventory of her Personal Estate of this date (sig.) Janet Scott, John Craigie C.D. Written by In Hunter Collated by Mr. Rutherford


15th April 1836

Inventory of the Personal Estate

of Umquhile[*]

Robert H. Scott of Wooden

Stamp-Duty Forty Pounds

Presented Fifteenth April Eighteen Hundred & Thirty six


William Oliver Rutherford Esquire Com. Principal


Donald McLean Esq W.S.



Inventory of the Personal Estate of the deceased Robert Haldane Scott of Wooden who deceased there upon the Sixteenth day of January One Thousand eight Hundred and Thirty six given up by Captain George Scott R.N.(?) now of Wooden one of the executors nominated by the Defunct in his trust Deed of settlement aftermentioned,



Cash in the House_



Cash in the Bank

at Kelso and which included Interest upon the account relative thereto up to the date of the Defuncts death_



Household Furniture, Plate and Watch for valuation and Appraisement _



Stock of Wine per ditto _



Books per Ditto _



Stock on the Farm of Wooden, Implements of Husbandry, Corn on Barn and Barnyard, Crop on Ground, Garden Tools & conform to Inventory and Appraisement __



Amount of the Defuncts Estates situated in Scotland __




(signed) Geo Scott

John Craigie C.D.

At Jedburgh the Fifteenth

day of April on Thousand eight Hundred and Thirty six Years

In presence of John Craigie Esquire Commissary Depute of the Commissariat of Roxburghshire, Compeared[*] Captain George Scott R.N.(?) now of Wooden one of the Executors nominated and appointed by the said deceased Robert Haldane Scott, who being solemnly sworn and examined, Deponed[*] That the said Robert Haldane Scott died upon the Sixteenth day of January last and the Deponent alone has entered, upon the Possession and Management of the deceased Personal Estate as Trustee and Executor nominated by him in a Trust Deed and Settlement executed by him upon the Eleventh day of August Eighteen Hundred and Twenty eight and Registered in the Books of Council and Session the Twenty eighth day of January last, a Copy whereof is now exhibited and signed by the Deponent and the said Commissary this date as relative hereto; That the Deponent does not know of any Settlement or Writing relative to the Disposal of the deceaseds personal Estate or Effects, or any Part of the other than that now exhibited and a last Will and Settlement of equal date relative to some property in Jamaica. That the said Inventory which is signed by the Deponents and the said Commissary, as relative hereto is a full and true Inventory of all the Personal of moveable Estate and Effects of the said deceased in Scotland the said First mentioned Deed being produced in Doctors Commons as






a word used in Scots law for "testify" since the 15th century


To appear in court as a party to a cause either in person or by counsel

Transcription by Kim Holburn 2024.

I have tried to keep the original capitalisation and punctuation. A (?) indicates unsurety.