Holburn’s Laws

Holburn’s law of fixing things:

Very generally, the closer a thing is to working perfectly, the harder it is to fix.

Holburn’s law of linen cupboards, closets and shelves with irregular items:
The state of things on a shelf tend to end up as a downward sloping bunch so that anything put on the shelf rolls or slides out.

Holburn’s law of backups
If you have to do something, like change a disk or a tape, it’s not going to happen.

Holburn’s law of IT Support
For each 30 or so people in a company you need 1 person locally doing IT support. If you don’t have someone employed for that then someone will be nominated by the others and will end up doing it instead of their designated job. (I’m not sure exactly what the number should be.)

Law of food quality
I noticed this in China and it also applies to Italy: The smaller the village the better the food. In Australia it’s the opposite. Maybe because Australia is the most urbanised country in the world - 90% of Australians live in cities - the coutryside is vast and one of the least population dense, the ratio of urban density to rural density is very high and oil is cheap and the food distribution is all oil-transport based. China is the opposite to urbanised - ruralised? I’m not sure where Italy falls in urbanisation but the countryside is fairly densely populated. People in both China and Italy (and probably most other countries in the world) have lived for a long time without easy and cheap transport, so they are used to growing food locally.

Holburn’s law of power:
Power moves to the centre.

Power is attracted to power. In a federation or union of states, power is drawn into the central government until the states become vestigal. In a free market large companies takeover small until there are only a few massive companies.

Other Laws I like:

Law of economics:
In a completely free market all competing forces will eventually be absorbed by one. In the past he was usually called the King. Governments have to make all sorts of complicated anti-trust laws to try and stop this happening.

Who invented this law? It does show that the free market is inherently unstable and must be carefully protected by governments in order to work.

Law of company size:
Too big to fail is too big.

Any company that’s too big to fail, is too big to be allowed to continue.

And while I’m at it: Things I hate
The designer who invented those sets of taps where the hot and cold taps are turned on and off in opposite directions.